Elizabeth deVries
Aug 4, 2024
Get your hands on a piece of Rose Hill history!
The last chance to take home a piece of the legendary Rose Hill course is now!
The Practice basket, with a base, will be waffled off to one lucky winner.
See the image below.

There will only be 75 tickets sold at $5 each, and tickets will be available until all spots are sold.
Limit of 5 tickets per person and this is open to all. Draw will be held once there are no spots left! There will be no shipping so the winner must be able to pickup in Kamloops or arrange your own transport.
The spots will be updated here: Please email elizabeth4devries@gmail.com and send your etransfer to that same email in order to reserve your tickets. Your name will be made official (BOLD) when the transfer is received.
For example:
88. Elizabeth deVries (unpaid)
88. Elizabeth deVries (paid)
Mike Connor
2. Adam Bruno
3. Maison Cavaliere
4. Johnathan Hall
5. Scott Price
6. Charlie Picken
7. Scott Price
8. Kyle Procter
9. Jeremy Schaubroeck
10. Cameron White
11. Mike Connor
12. Adam Bruno
13. Sydney Beharrell
14. Maison Cavaliere
15. Jeremy Schaubroeck
16. Charlie Picken
17. Scott Price
18. Curt Labossiere
19. Curtis DeJong
20. Scott Price
21. Cameron White
22. Cameron White
23. Jeremy Schaubroeck
24. Alex Penney
25. Ross Wilson
26. Charlie Picken
27. Kyle Procter
28. Sydney Beharrell
29. Adam Bruno
30. Curt Labossiere
31. Jamie Quiring
32. Scott Price
33.Adam Bruno
34. Amy Hilton
35. Ross Wilson
36. Allyson Herman
37. Gaby Salazar
38. Kevin Bogetti-Smith
39. Cameron White
40. Curt Labossiere
41. Curtis DeJong
42. Jamie Quiring
43. Gaby Salazar
44. Jeremy Schaubroeck
45. Ross Wilson
46. Charlie Picken
47. Jeremy Schaubroeck
48. Kevin Bogetti-Smith
49. Amy Hilton
50. Curtis DeJong
51. Jamie Quiring
52. Curt Labossiere
53. Amy Hilton
54.Gaby Salazar
55. Ross Wilson
56. Curtis DeJong
57. Jamie Quiring
58. Kevin Bogetti-Smith
59. Clive Lovett
60. Amy Hilton
61. Curtis DeJong
62. Gaby Salazar
63. Alex Penney
64. Jamie Quiring
65. Ross Wilson
66. Kyle Procter
67. Allyson Herman
68. Kevin Bogetti-Smith
69. Adam Bruno
70. Kevin Bogetti-Smith
71. Kyle Procter
72. Kyle Procter
73. Maison Cavaliere
74. Maison Cavaliere
75. Maison Cavaliere
Winner will be drawn at the KDGC board meeting on August 6th. Winner will be posted, tagged and contacted.
Winner: #11 Mike Connor