Chase Snoek
Jun 24, 2024
Hello all KDGC Members!
As the dust settles over Kamloops after another disc flipping good time at the 2024 Tournament Capital Open, we have to reflect on all the hard work that everyone put in over the weekend.
A massive congratulations to all of our members who participated and gave their all to compete against some of Canada's best in their division! We would like to give a massive thank you to all of our members who took part!
Here is a message from the TD herself:
Year three is in the books and it wasn't without hiccups and conversation, but overall it was successful!
Put aside Umbrella-Gate 2024 (#iykyk), the unconventional shuffle of divisional tee times, as well as the weather and we could celebrate tarnish free!
I say tarnish, but really, weather is out of our control, tee times will never make everyone happy and exploding umbrellas is not a reflection of our ability to host a killer event! Our goal is to always raise the bar when it comes to the overall player experience and I think we easily accomplished that! With easy-peasy player check-in, Trivia Night, Karaoke Night, Tournament Central to meet up with friends, one-of-a-kind jerseys, a little sumthin' for the Pros, selfie wall, junior colouring contest…the list does on and so does the positive feedback and love for the TCO.
I want to ensure that those responsible for communicating, giving up days off, forgoing family time and generally kicking ass this past 10 months get some recognition
If you see these core peeps out and about, say thank you and ask what you can do next year to help!
Brett & family
Elizabeth & Justin
Thomas & Alisha
Let's remember, not all heroes wear capes! These club members made a HUGE difference in the lead up, during and post weekend:
Colin & Melissa
Gabby & Bill
Cody & family
I'm sure I'm missing so many people that gave their time to do course maintenance, set up and take down. Please know that your time is a gift that none of us take for granted! It takes a village and literally, our club is exactly that…a community of people ready to jump in and make things happen. A club that is setting the bar and creating one of a kind player experiences!
As I finish up all the small details of TCO and Allyson pays the bills and Pros, I can confidently say that this year was like no other! A solid team, two years of foundational work and a club with heart and passion…all of it made TCO 2024 a success
With a full heart and a cup that is overflowing,
News from your KDGC Board
Rose Hill is Open for Play
That is right! The Gates of Rosehalla are open! The cement tee pads are down, ready for action, and the new basket locations are set! Come on out and see what this new layout has to offer!
There are 3 new layouts, Red, White, and Blue. Red being all the short pads, White being a mix of some red and some blue, and lastly Blue being all the long pads. Test your metal against all 3 layouts. Also, the course now starts on old Hole 10, nothing better then starting a round with a tight tunnel shot with a triple mando, right?
Some more need to knows are:
Use UDisc as hole signage is not complete for hole information
Try not to walk on the steep banks behind some of the tee pads while grass begins to grow and ground compacts
The color at the front of the pads (red or blue) is a foot fault area, to throw without penalty, throw from behind the paint
There are many new features to ogle at like the boulders on Hole 10 and the new Hole 18's green. We won't spoil them all for you here, get out there and check it out.
To be entirely honest, this round of upgrades for Rose Hill is not complete yet, there is still work to be done. For example, new tee sign mounts with accurate signs, flags on baskets and a few more. Please do keep this in mind while you are out there. This is the SOFT OPENING of Rose Hill. There is much more to come once she is all polished.
Five Kamloops juniors braved the elements at Raptor's Knoll in Langley to compete in the 2024 BC Junior Disc Golf Championships May long weekend. The weather was grueling, as it rained all weekend, and on top of that Raptor's Knoll tested the juniors to the best of their abilities, with each division completing 2-3 rounds over the weekend.
The KDGC participants included:
Makenna Herman FJ08
Fletcher DeVries MJ12
Jacob Giesbrecht MJ12
Sawyer DeVries MJ15
Fischer Hilton who took 2nd place in MJ12, coming second in an exciting playoff, and finally congratulations to Makenna Herman for winning FJ08!
The future of disc golf is looking bright in Kamloops! We cannot wait to see these young few develop into amazing disc golfers and even more amazing humans!
Tag us in your post on Social Media
The KDGC would like to encourage all of its members to tag the KDGC in all of your discgolf related posts and be sure to use #explorekamloops when on our courses!
Here are the links to our pages just in case you missed them in the past:
One of our ongoing goals is to grow our clubs membership. Truthfully, everything we do is ONLY possible with a strong membership base. While it might not seem like a lot at $30 for membership, it goes further than most might think in making sure we have great courses and a healthly club. We grow only through you all sharing as the sport and community grows. Thank you for growing our club!