Chase Snoek
Jul 19, 2024
Hello all KDGC Members!
You are likely already aware, but our beautiful Rose Hill Disc Golf Course has just undergone some upgrades and feels like a brand new course! Through strong partnership with the City of Kamloops, we have new concrete tee pads and new baskets as well as an adjusted layout and new features on many holes. It's beautiful!
While we are currently finishing the course upgrades and completing the course signage for install, we are also looking to establish hole sponsorships. A hole sponsorship puts you or your business name and logo on a concrete block located at the tee pad. All players will see your name and logo when they play. For $500 for a five-year term, the hole sponsorships are a great way to connect to our growing disc golf community and help make our courses even better.
If you have any questions or would like to learn about other options, don't hesitate to reach out. Elizabeth deVries is the contact about community support partnerships at elizabeth4devries@gmail.com
An Important Message from your Club President
Did you know?!
One of the most frequently asked questions the club gets is: "Why do I need to pay green fees in a tournament if i'm already a KDGC member?" or "Why does the KDGC charge Green Fees for tournaments?"
My hope in breaking it down for everyone is that everyone understands and supports this initiative.
A few facts:
1. Green Fees are charged for any tournament using courses that KDGC has stewardship over. Stewardship means the KDGC puts money and volunteer time into the course, in upkeep, improvements, and tournament preparations.
2. Our course count is currently at 6 Courses, with 2+ more in the early stages of planning! [Rose, Mac, Westsyde, DickHart, Copper Ridge, Highland Valley] Just incredible! But this also means we have a lot of course needs,
3. Our courses are all Free to play outside of tournaments, for both KDGC club and non-club members alike. 4. In the last 3 years, the KDGC has invested over 4X more into our courses than our membership brings in! This is in large part because of the green fee program. This is spread across Disc Golf equipment (baskets & Pads), Course Materials, and Maintenance Tools & equipment.
5. Green Fees are set at $10 per player for a tournament.
6. Events can apply to have the club sponsor the Green Fee for players. This program is used for charity events, underserved events, and certain KDGC member only events. This program puts that Green Fee money back into the event for the players!
7. Green Fees also pay for tournament specific costs and work for tournament setup. This can include specific signage, flags, paints, pin locations, teepads, etc. All the things that the tournament needs from the course, to make it playable for the TD and the players.
8. KDGC annual Membership Fees are used primarily to run the club, and secondarily into course improvements. Some of these costs include; KDGC events, websites, Insurances, membership swag, etc.
What does this all mean? It means Green Fees are critical to Disc Golf in Kamloops & area being healthy, fun, and growing. Without Green Fees, our courses would be out of date, and unkempt.
Both KDGC Membership and tournament Green Fees have their place, and support different parts of the KDGC.
On a related note, all tournaments and events required countless volunteer hours to set up and run. Even more hours are volunteered into all of our local courses. These hours are thankless, and also endless. Even with Green Fees, the KDGC cannot pay for the work to be done, and it is all done for free by KDGC volunteers.We are so appreciative of those who volunteer their time, and for those who can't, know that Green Fees and KDGC membership, are both ways to do your part for the KDGC! It all helps.
Old Rose Hill Hole Baskets Available for Purchase
We have only a few old Rose Hill baskets left for purchase as well as the old baskets from Rose Hill East. Do you want to bring home a piece of Rose Hill history.
Red Rose Hill baskets - $250
Yellow Innova baskets from Rose Hill East - $150 each
They are all being sold as-is (no sleeve, base or collar). If you would like to have a base made please let Elizabeth know when you purchase and she will connect you with someone making and selling them for $80.
Proceeds from the basket sales will be directly reinvested back into the course, allowing us to continue making improvements for everyone to enjoy.
For more information please contact elizabeth4devries@gmail.com before August 1st, 2024. Upon receipt of payment we will arrange a pickup date.
BC Women's Series #4 – Queens of the Sagebrush
On Sunday, July 14th twenty women from across BC played 2 insanely hot rounds of disc golf and I'm not just talking score! With temps hitting +38 by the afternoon, hydration was the buzz word! With plenty of water and Gatorade placed throughout and the course, along with ice baths to dunk hats and cooling towels, the Queens and their Caddies finished strong and healthy! Thank you to the volunteers that lugged coolers & ice out onto the course…it really was the difference for many of the players!
With women traveling from as far away as Vancouver Island, we ensured that the player experience was unforgettable! Along with Hydration Stations, there were plenty of tents at tournament central for shade, fans in the player packs, men offering to caddy and then we had Spotter Extraordinaire, Bill, taking on 7's fairway and ravine all day!
With some tight battles out there, we have some notable Valkyrie podium finishes:
FA3 1st place – Lisa Connor
FA2 2nd place – Brooke Middleton
FA4 3rd pace – Cori LeBlanc
FP40 1st place – Elizabeth DeVries
We also had solo divisional wins in FA1 with Gaby Salazar and FA50 with Candice Marcynuik. Although there wasn't anyone else competing in these divisions, the points are important, as there will be overall Divisional Champions crowned at the BC Women's Series Finale at the end of September!
If you are interested in volunteering, spectating or if you are woman and want to participate in one of these incredible events, we have the BC Women's Series #6 - Women in the Willows coming to Mac Island August 17th! All the info you need can be found at the link below. And ladies, if you are not a PDGA member, its OK! The PDGA is waiving non-members fees for this series so you can see what it's all about without the commitment!
Roar of Rosehalla
10 Divisions
9 New Blue Pad Locations
8 Bags of Ice
7 Flats of water
6 CTP's
5 Pop up Tents
4 Coolers
3 TD's
2 Rounds
Saturday saw 61 players cross under the Gates of Rosehalla for a 2 Round disc golf battle against blazing sun, challenging course updates, prevailing winds from the North and relentless competition.
Troy, Brett, & Zach all want to extend a huge thank you, first off to our primary sponsor MVP Disc Sport for working with the Crush Cubs to bring these amazing Discs and Prizes to our three, C-tier Series. Secondly to other sponsors who have provided a range of products or services, the TCO Committee, Matco Tools (Kamloops), and of course the KDGC.
Further thank you to all individuals who put effort into to the maintenance of Rose Hill prior to the tournament this weekend. A special thank you to Gaby, Bill, and Megan who were there late Friday night mowing and helping me hang the sign up to create the Gates of Rosehalla.
A final thank you to all players who came out or made the trip to be a part of the 2nd event of the Crush Cub Series. We appreciate all of you! Your enjoyment and positivity is what makes this a highlight and keeps us looking to the future to bring you an ever better Player Experience.
Keep your Calendar's open and your alarms set for registration to be a competitor in "Battle Beneath the Peaks!" Tournament details can be found at the link below and we hope to see all of you there for the final installment of the Crush Cubs 2024 Series. Battle your way to victory and claim your title as a Crush Cub Champion!